
Although green iguanas are very pretty and will come take scraps from your hand at your hotel, they are one of the scourges of south Florida.
Green Iguanas are considered a non-indigenous invasive species by the Florida Department of Agriculture. They eat every form of vegetation, making it impossible to landscape in South Florida without iguana control. More importantly they eat the feeding and breeding plants for native butterflies. Iguanas have made the Miami blue butterfly functionally extinct.
Their appetite doesn’t stop there! I know what you’re thinking...” Aren’t they vegetarian?” The answer is no. They will eat anything they can fit into their mouth, including baby birds and bird eggs, even an occasional kitten.
Green iguanas are burrowers, causing millions of dollars of damage in South Florida each year by undermining sea walls and foundations. We don’t care about your house, What we do care about is that they invade other burrows, eat any eggs or baby animals they find including endangered sea turtles, marsh hares, birds, gopher tortoises, burrowing owls and land crabs.
The moral of the story is the battle against iguanas is critical. We dispatch them humanely. We refuse to just waste the remains. We make a large selection of custom, one of a kind Florida souvenirs including koozies, flasks, shot glasses, back scratchers and jewelry! We’ve put a lot of thought and effort into creating our products and hope you enjoy using them as much as we enjoy creating them.